Why Clenbuterol Stacked? What are the Most Popular Options

Clenbuterol delivers great results. Many people stack it with other substances to increase its effectiveness. Find out the best stack options, how to use it, and what the recommended dosage is from JBHNews website experts.

Clenbuterol is now the most popular weight loss drug. Clenbuterol is also a top choice among athletes looking for a performance-enhancing drug.

But for others, it may not be enough. To get an even stronger boost, they can use a Clenbuterol combination.

How to stack Clenbuterol

Clen is stacked the same way as anabolic steroids.

You can combine clen with Anavar or Cytomel.

The duration and dosage will depend on what you want and what drugs you stack with Clen.

Clen cannot be mixed with any other steroid. Your objectives will dictate your decision.

Anavar can be used to lose fat and Winstrol can be used for muscle gain. However, you will get different results if you stack Anavar with Clen.

How to Cycle It Correctly

Clen is often taken in cycles regardless of whether it's stacked or taken by itself. It is the act of taking the drug over a period of time, then stopping, and then starting again. Restart the cycle.

It all depends on how much clen, what you stack it with, your objectives and how you plan to use it.

The stack and the duration of each cycle will affect the recommended doses.

Some women go on a 2 Day On/2 Day Off cycle. Others choose to go on either a 2 or 3 Week Cycle, depending on how often they are breaking.

If you're new to stacking Clen, you can experiment with different cycle times to determine which one works best.

The Recommended Dosages

You can start by using the amount suggested here. If side effects don't bother you, increase the dose and reduce the duration of your cycle. Modifying the cycle length can be helpful to prevent saturation.

Clenbuterol 20 mcg for women is the ideal starting dosage.

For men, 40mcg is the recommended dosage. These are the usual starting doses regardless of whether you are taking clenbuterol as a standalone drug or stacking it with other drugs.

You can increase the daily dosage by 20 mg each day, or every other day. Maximum dosage for women is 80mcg, while for men, it is 140mcg.

If you are on a 2-week or longer cycle, gradually reduce your dosage.

Clenbuterol can be used as a stimulant. Do not take Clenbuterol at night, whether stacked or unstacked. Breakfast and lunch are the best times to take Clenbuterol as they will keep you awake.

Clenbuterol, Cytomel T3 Stack

The combination of Clenbuterol and Cytomel is great for weight loss.

Cytomel is similar to clen. It speeds up metabolism and helps you burn calories and fat. This stack may be a good option if you have trouble losing weight.

Cytomel or Clen are not recommended for you if this is your first time taking them.

Take Clen for one week and Cytomel again the next to test your ability to handle side effects. If you can take both, it is time to go for the cycle.

Ideal Cytomel/Clen cycles are 2 to3 weeks in length and 2 or 3 weeks in duration.

You can take 20 mcg Clen if your are a female and 40 mcg for men.

Cytomel has a 25 mg starting dose. The maximum dosage is 100 mcg.

Cytomel's half-life is very short so it is better to take the medication throughout the day.

Let's say that you take 50mcg Cytomel daily. Divide it into two doses of 25 mcg for breakfast, and one for lunch. Divide it three to four times if you take 75 to 100mcg.

There is no need to dilute your clenbuterol dose.

These are some suggestions:

Slowly reduce the dosage.

Cytomel pills can be purchased in 100 mcg capsules. This means that you will have to break it up into pieces.
The starting point is the 2 to 3 week cycle. You can extend the cycle for up to 8 to10 weeks.

Cytomel/Clenbuterol is not recommended for anyone who goes beyond 10 weeks. Some people will go for 12 or more weeks. For most, 10 weeks is sufficient.

You shouldn't start this cycle if taking Colestipol Methadone or Rifampicin.
Avoid milk, dairy products, and any calcium and iron supplements.

Clen and Taurine stack

Taurine is required by the body to burn fat. It also contains amino acid.

Clenbuterol has a side effect that reduces the body's level of taurine. Low levels lead to muscle cramps as well as other body aches.

You can prevent this from happening by stacking Clen Taurine.

Take 3 to 5 g of taurine with your Clenbuterol daily dose. As long as you are on the Clenbuterol-cycle, the taurine must be taken. Potassium supplements can also be beneficial.

Clen and Anavar Stack

Anavar, Clenbuterol and Clenbuterol can be used together to help with cutting and burning fat.

This is not just a great option for anyone who wants to lose weight.

Anavar is a milder form of steroids and it is therefore suitable for women.

While the weight loss effect of Anavar Clenbuterol is not as strong as it once was, its anabolic/androgenic ratio is very low. Anavar Clenbuterol stacks can be used to burn fat.

It is technically impossible Anavar Clenbuterol stack because you don’t take them one by one. Instead, take Clenbuterol week 1, Anavar week 2, Clen week 3, Anavar week 4, and so forth.

The most common 2 week on/off-cycle works well for most people, but advanced users have the option to increase it to 4 days.

Anavar Clenbuterol stacks are typically like this.

Week 1 Clenbuterol. Start by taking Clenbuterol 20 - 40 mg. The dosage should be increased by 20 mcg every day until you reach 80 or 120 milligrams by day 5. The dosage will be reduced by 20 mcg on day 6, so it's only 80 or 100mcg. To reduce the dosage to 0 to80 mcg, lower it by 20 mcg per day 7.

Week 2 Anavar. Take 10-20mg for the first two day and then increase it to 20-50mg for the next two. You can take between 30 and 50 mg daily on day 12; the dose will be decreased to 40 to 50mg by day 14.
Winstrol Stack and Clenbuterol Stack

Clenbuterol is meant for weight loss. Bodybuilders use Winstrol to cut. Combining Clenbuterol will accelerate fat burning and increase energy. You'll also see a toned body.

Clenbuterol is a good pairing for Winstrol because it has low nitrogen conversion and increases blood flow. This stack is perfect for men who desire a lean body and want to lose weight.

Here are some points to remember

Winstrol is available as an injectable and oral form.

Doses can start as low at 20 mg, and reach as high as 70 mg.

The cycle can last between 2 to 3 week depending on whether you are using Clenbuterol or Winstrol.

As follows should be Clenbuterol's dosage.

Start by taking 20 to 40 mcg on your first day. Next, increase the dosage by 20 mg per day up to day 5. On days 6-7, reduce the dose. Dosage for Anavar and Clenbuterol is the same.

Winstrol can be taken on week 2

Day 1: 20-40mg. Increase the dose by a further 10 mg. For example, 40 mg was taken on day 1; 50 mg on days 2 and 3. 60 mg are taken on days 3 and 4.
The dose should be reduced by 10 mg each day until you reach 50 mg.

Novaldex and Clen

Bodybuilders use Novaldex after they have completed a steroid-based cycle. (Anabolic steroids lower testosterone levels).

Clenbuterol, which is not a steroid is safe for post-cycle therapy.

Here are some things to keep in your mind

You can use any Clenbuterol dosage that you're comfortable with.

Novaldex dosages range from 20-40 mg.

The two-week cycle of the PCT should last two weeks.

This stack should be completed after a cycle of steroid.

Novaldex as well as clenbuterol are both available simultaneously.

Combine clenbuterol (or another steroid) with a bulking cycle to improve your gains.

Do not prolong the PCT for more than two weeks. It is sufficient to increase your testosterone level.

Clen can also be combined with Dianabol and Trenbolone. You should keep in mind that Clen's effect will depend on which anabolic steroids you stack it with.

Always take the recommended dosage. Also, ensure the dose is right for you.


There is one thing that needs to be noted. No matter what Clenbuterol dosage you take, you will still feel side effects.

Because you will be taking more steroids and drugs, side effects are likely to get worse.

Legal and safe alternatives can be used to obtain the same effects as in the legal version.
